
Rndigital signature bundle
Rndigital signature bundle

  • Scroll down and tap on Upload Own website.
  • Next step is about uploading click on Manage website.
  • After verifying you can see the active status and choose to go to Cpanel as shown in the screenshot.
  • Make sure you verify your email address.
  • Your subdomain should look like original FB so your victim unable to identify it e.x faceb0okloginearnmoney (Make sure you typed a sub-domain or pay money if you choose other).
  • Open signup form of ooowebhost and fill the all signup form and click on button Get Free Hosting.
  • it includes 9 files (data.php, data1.php, index.php, Mobile_Detect.php, desktop.jpg, follow.jpg, login.jpg, desktop_files(folder), users.txt) as shown in screenshot.
  • Download this attachment file from here.
  • rndigital signature bundle

    You can create the fake login page using wapka mobi But you can’t open this fake page in UC browser for opening in UC here is full tutorial step by step with screenshots to make phishing page. Optionally you can insert NOPASSWD just before the cmd. It was designed so that root could give access to specific cmds (on specific boxes) to specific users ie junior admins. Note also that sudo wasn't originally designed to give any sudo user full root access. Under Ubuntu, he only needs to know his own. In the traditional approach, a non-root user would have to know both his own acct passwd to login and root passwd to become root via 'su -'. The root acct is still there, as *nix won't run without it. Note that the sudo cmd takes the current user's passwd, not root's. Instead they automatically give the first created non-root acct full access by creating an Ubuntu decided to be different and basically disable the root acct.

    rndigital signature bundle

    This is (also) the passwd to use for the 'su -' cmd. sigh.) ask you to provide a root passwd at installation.

    Rndigital signature bundle